
The API is a collection of services that will allow you to easily upload and update your certification and material data in Origin data hub.

What to do to use the public API

Step 1 - Obtain access

To be able to use the Origin data hub public API, you must first contact Origin support at

The public API is secured and you must be provided with an access token to be able submit request.

The request header must contain authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN}.

Step 2 - Plan your integration

Depending on your needs, you'll first have to target which service(s) to use from the services catalog.

For example, if you need to upload one or more certifications in Origin data hub, the services you need to use is CertificationsCreate

The services names are defined according to the following convention


  • Entity : The entity name in singular form, meaning the service deal with a single entity a the time
  • Entities : The entity name in plural form, meaning the service deal with one or more entities at the time
  • Action : The action that is performed on the prefix entity|entities

For example, according to this convention, CertificationsCreate will allow you to create one or more certifications in Origin.

Step 3 - Map your data to the service payload

Each service describes the message format (or the payload) that it supports. You will need to get familiar with the documentation of the services you will use to be able to map your data the right way and submit it to Origin.

Step 4 - Before submitting your data

Please use the Check Service (Check v1 or Check v2) to make sure your setup and your access token are working.

If you receive a response with 401 HTTP status (Unauthorized), it is possible that your access token is not present in the request header.

Please review your request header. It must contain authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN}.

Step 5 - Submit your data

Once everything is set, you can proceed and submit your data to Origin public API.

Step 6 - Get help from Origin support if needed

If you required help to complete your integration process, contact Origin support at

Multilingual (Advanced Guidelines)

The Api supports Multilingual Entities entities such as Materials (v2 only), Certifications (v2 only), Declaration (v2 only), Brands (v2 only) and Collections (v2 only).

Supported locale : de, es_MX, en, fr, zh_CN

The following steps will be help you to add another language to your entities.

Step 1 Create your entity

If you already have created your entity, you can pass to Step 2

We highly recommand that you create your entity in English first ("locale": "en"). The majority of users use this language and it is used as fallback language.

Example Create a Material in English (See MaterialsCreate v2 for more details)

Request Payload

    "materials": [
            "locale": "en",
            "externalId": "ABC-001",
            "managementPermission": "COMPANY_EDITABLE",
            "name": "My Material",
            "description": "A description for My Material"

Step 2 Update your entity with another language

Then, if you want to have a different name and description in another language for your entity, you can update it in that language.

You can take the externalId or the originId for the entity update.

Example Update a Material in French (See MaterialsUpdate v2 for more details)

Request Payload

    "materials": [
            "locale": "fr",
            "originId": "88dada05-5d38-4b60-91b9-f1bf9d6bf5dd",
            "name": "Mon Matériau",
            "description": "Une description pour Mon Matériau"

You can repeat this step for all other supported locales you want to add.

Advanced Guidelines

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