v1 > Services > CertificationsCreate

Create one or more certifications in Origin.

  • URL



  • Method:


  • URL Params


  • Request :

Field Type Required Description Domain of value
certifications[] array of object At least one The list of certifications to create Certification object(s)
certifications[].locale string Yes An Origin supported locale 'de', 'es_MX', 'en', 'fr' or 'zh_CN'
certifications[].externalId string Yes The certification unique ID in your system Any string
certifications[].certificateNumber string No The number of the certificate Any string
certifications[].url string Only if certifications[].additionalsDocuments[] is empty The URL to the certificate document A valid public facing URL
certifications[].additionalsDocuments[] array of object At least one if certifications[].url is empty The additional documents Document object(s)
certifications[].additionalsDocuments[].originalUrl string Only if certifications[].additionalsDocuments[] is present URL of a document related to the certification A valid public facing URL
certifications[].reportingBody object Yes The reporting body A reporting body object
certifications[].reportingBody.name string Only allowed when certifications[].reportingBody.selfReported is absent The reporting body name. Remove self reported status if set. An existing reporting body name in Origin
certifications[].reportingBody.selfReported string Only allowed when certifications[].reportingBody.name is absent Set the certification as self reported. Erase existing reporting name if any. TRUE
certifications[].standard object Yes The certified standard Standard object
certifications[].standard.code string Yes The standard code See StandardsLookup for a list of possible values
certifications[].issueDate date No The date when the certification is issued A ISO-8601 date
certifications[].expiryDate date No The date when the certification will be expired A ISO-8601 date
certifications[].brands[] array of brand No The related brands Brand object(s)
certifications[].brands[].name string Only if certifications[].brands[] is present The brand name Any string
certifications[].brands[].website string No The brand website A valid public facing URL
certifications[].contacts[] array of contact No The related contacts Contact object(s)
certifications[].contacts[].externalId string Only if certifications[].contacts[] is present A unique identifier of your choosing that serves as a unique key for the contact Any string
certifications[].contacts[].type string Only if certifications[].contacts[] is present The contact type MANUFACTURER, AUDITOR or VENDOR
certifications[].contacts[].companyName string Only if certifications[].contacts[] is present The contact company name Any string
certifications[].contacts[].phone string Only if certifications[].contacts[] is present and certifications[].email is empty The contact phone Any string
certifications[].contacts[].email string Only if certifications[].contacts[] is present and certifications[].phone is empty The contact email A valid email
certifications[].contacts[].name string No The contact name Any string
certifications[].contacts[].website string No The contact website A valid public facing URL
certifications[].contacts[].postalAddress string No The contact postal address Any string
certifications[].channels[] array of object No The list of channels on which the certification will be published Channel object(s). Not published if empty.
certifications[].channels[].name string Only if certifications[].channels[] is present The channel name 'ORIGIN' (more to come)
certifications[].regulatoryStandardCompliances[] array of object no The regulatory standard compliances RegulatoryStandardCompliance Object(s)
certifications[].regulatoryStandardCompliances[].code string Only if certifications[].regulatoryStandardCompliances[] The standard code See standardProperties in StandardsLookup for a list of possible values
certifications[].featuresCustoms[] array of object No The list of Origin Customs features Custom feature object(s)
certifications[].featuresCustoms[].name string Only if certifications[].featuresCustoms[] is present The Custom feature name Any string
certifications[].featuresCustoms[].value string Only if certifications[].featuresCustoms[] is present The Custom feature value Any string
certifications[].featuresProperties[] array of object No The list of Origin Properties features Feature property object(s)
certifications[].featuresProperties[].code string Only if certifications[].featuresProperties[] is present The feature property code See standardProperties in StandardsLookup for a list of possible values
certifications[].featuresProperties[].value string Only if certifications[].featuresProperties[] is present The feature property value See PropertyDetailsLookup for a list of possible values
certifications[].voc object no The VOC section VOC object
certifications[].voc.content object no The VOC Content section VOC Content object
certifications[].voc.content.densityLimitGL string no The density limit (g/L) A decimal value
certifications[].voc.content.containsAddedMCPCE string yes Flag for intentionally added Methylene Chloride and/or Perchloroethylene A boolean value
certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] array of object Only if certifications[].voc.content.densityLimitGL is set The list of compliant standards VOC Content compliance object(s)
certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard string only if certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] is present A compliant standard Standard object
certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard.code string only if certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] is present The standard code See VOC Content standard compliances for a list of possible values
certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].productTypeCode string only if certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] is present The product type code See VOC Content standard compliances for a list of possible values
certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCustoms[] array of object no The list of custom standards Custom standard object(s)
certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCustoms[].standard object only if certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCustoms[] is present A custom standard Standard object
certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCustoms[].standard.code string only if certifications[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCustoms[] is present The custom standard code Any string
certifications[].voc.content.testMethods[] array of object no The list of standard test methods Test method object(s)
certifications[].voc.content.testMethods[].standard object only if certifications[].voc.content.testMethods[] is present A test method standard Standard object
certifications[].voc.content.testMethods[].standard.code string only if certifications[].voc.content.testMethods[] is present The standard code See VOC Content test methods for a list of possible values
certifications[].voc.content.exemptCompounds[] array of object no The list of exempt compounds Exempt compound object(s)
certifications[].voc.content.exemptCompounds[].CAS string only if certifications[].voc.content.exemptCompounds[] is present CAS registry number http://www.commonchemistry.org/
certifications[].voc.content.exemptCompounds[].name string only if certifications[].voc.content.exemptCompounds[] is present Chemical name http://www.commonchemistry.org/
certifications[].voc.content.exemptCompounds[].percentByWeight string only if certifications[].voc.content.exemptCompounds[] is present Composition percent by weight A decimal value
certifications[].voc.emission object no The VOC Emission section VOC Emission object
certifications[].voc.emission.densityMin string no Minimum density in microgram per cubic meter (µg/m³) A decimal value
certifications[].voc.emission.densityMax string no Maximum density in microgram per cubic meter (µg/m³) A decimal value
certifications[].voc.emission.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] array of object no The list of compliant standard VOC Emission compliance object
certifications[].voc.emission.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard object only if certifications[].voc.emission.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] is present A compliant standard Standard object
certifications[].voc.emission.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard.code string only if certifications[].voc.emission.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] is present The standard code See VOC Emission standard compliances for a list of possible values
  • Sample Request (Required fields):
        "code":"ISO 9001"
  • Sample Request (All fields):
          "name":"ACME Inc.",
          "companyName":"ACME Inc.",
          "name":"John Smith",
          "postalAddress":"2500 Street Avenue P.O. Box 999 Manchester, PA 1234",
          "code":"ISO 9001"
          "name":"Highest supported temperature",
                "code":"CARB SCM (2007)"
              "productTypeCode":"Specialty Coatings - Bituminous Roof Coatings"
                "code":"A CUSTOM CODE"
                "code":"ASTM Methods D2369"
                "code":"Blue Angel Elastic Floorings"
  • Response (sync mode) :
Field Type Presence Description Domain of value
status object Always The execution status A status object
status.state string Always The state of execution 'SUCCESS' or 'ERROR'
status.code string On error The general error code and message See Errors reference
status.messages[] array of string On error List of error causes A validation message or other causes
result object On success The execution result A result object
result.entityType string On success The type of entity this result is about 'CERTIFICATION'
result.correlations[] object On success The identity correlations for all processed certifications An array of correlation objects
result.correlations[].externalId string On success The external ID of the certification provided in the request Any string
result.correlations[].originId string On success The origin ID assigned to the create certification A valid UUID
connectRequest object Always The exact request sent that produced this response A CertificationsCreate request
  • Sample Response (Success in sync mode):

    HTTP Code : 200

          "code":"ISO 9001"
  • Response (async mode):
Field Type Presence Description Domain of value
status object Always The execution status A status object
status[].state string Always The state of execution 'SUCCESS' or 'ERROR'
status[].code string On error The general error code and message See Errors reference
status[].messages[] array of string On error List of error causes A validation message or other causes
result object On success The execution result A result object
result.poolingCallback string On success The URL callback to pool using the ResultGet endpoint A URL
connectRequest object Always The exact request you sent that produced this response A CertificationsCreate request
  • Sample Response (Success in async mode):

    HTTP Code : 200

          "code":"ISO 9001"
  • Sample Response (Error):

    HTTP Code : 400, 500

    "code":"CE00001 - Connect request failed validation. Refer to provided messages for details.",
      "certifications[1] require one locale.",
      "certifications[1] require one externalId.",
      "certifications[1] require one reportingBody.name.",
      "certifications[1] require one standard.code.",
      "certifications[1] has an invalid date format for issueDate. Date must be ISO-8601.",
      "certifications[1] require one url or additionalsDocuments."

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