v1 > Services > MaterialsSearch

Search one or more materials in Origin. The search result is organized in pages.

  • URL


  • Method:


  • URL Params


  • Request :

Field Type Required Description Domain of value
locale string Yes An Origin supported locale 'de', 'es_MX', 'en', 'fr' or 'zh_CN'
pageNumber number Yes The page number the search result will start from Positive integer greater than 0
pageSize number Yes The maximum number of result by page Integer between 1 and 100
searchCriteria[] array of object Yes The list of search criteria SearchCriteria object array
searchCriteria[].name string Yes A criterion code supported by the search See the reference
searchCriteria[].value variable Yes The value to search See the reference
  • Sample Request :

This sample request could be translated as : "Search the material with ORIGINID value of db65ac6b-5850-11e8-803c-8c16451835eb starting from page 1 with 10 results by page."

    "locale": "en",
    "pageNumber": "1",
    "pageSize": "10",
    "searchCriteria": [
            "name": "ORIGINID",
            "value": "db65ac6b-5850-11e8-803c-8c16451835eb"
  • Response :
Field Type Presence Description Domain of value
status object Always The execution status A status object
status.state string Always The state of execution 'SUCCESS' or 'ERROR'
status.code string On error The general error code and message See Errors reference
status.messages[] array of string On error List of error causes A validation message or other causes
result object On success The execution result A result object
result.entityType string On success The type of entity this result is about 'MATERIAL'
result.searchInfo object On success Informations about the search result pages A searchInfo object
result.searchInfo.numberOfElements object On success The total number of elements found A positive integer
result.searchInfo.numberOfPages object On success The total number of pages NumberOfElements / pageSize
result.data[] array of object On success The actual search result : a list of materials Array of material object
result.data[].locale string On success An Origin supported locale 'de', 'es_MX', 'en', 'fr' or 'zh_CN'
result.data[].originId string On success The material unique origin ID A UUID
result.data[].externalId string On success The material unique ID in your system Any string
result.data[].productId string On success An identification code (ex: a catalog id, SKU code) Any string
result.data[].managementPermission string On success The access permission profile Any string
result.data[].name string On success The material name Any string
result.data[].description string On success The material description Any string
result.data[].contentManagedBy string On success The material content manager name Any string
result.data[].lastUpdated date On success The material last update date A ISO-8601 date
result.data[].brand object On success The material brand Brand object
result.data[].brand.originId string On success The brand unique origin ID A UUID
result.data[].brand.name string On success The brand name Any string
result.data[].brand.website string On success The brand website A valid public facing URL
result.data[].logoUrl object On success The material logo URL. In Origin, It refers to the material thumbnail image and the first image of the material. This image can also be set in Origin Website -> Material edit page -> Image Section -> Featured Image checkbox. A logoUrl object
result.data[].logoUrl.originalUrl string On success The material logo original URL A public facing URL
result.data[].logoUrl.referenceUrl string On success The material logo reference URL A public facing URL
result.data[].company object On success The company owner of the material A company object
result.data[].company.originId string On success The company unique origin ID A UUID
result.data[].company.name string On success The company name Any string
result.data[].company.companyType string On success The company type (related with Data Source) MANUFACTURER, REPORTING_BODY
result.data[].collection object On success The Material collection (ex: winter collection) A collection object
result.data[].collection.name string On success The collection name Any string
result.data[].libraries[] array of object On success The list of libraries for the material Library object(s)
result.data[].libraries[].originId string On success The library unique origin ID A UUID
result.data[].libraries[].name string On success The library name Any string
result.data[].category object On success The category for the material A Category object
result.data[].category.name string On success The category name See CategoriesLookup for a list of possible values
result.data[].category.code string On success The category code See CategoriesLookup for a list of possible values
result.data[].csiDivisions[] array of object On success The CSI Divisions for the material CsiDivision object(s)
result.data[].csiDivisions[].code string On success The CSI Division code See CsiDivisionsLookup for a list of possible values
result.data[].csiDivisions[].name string On success The CSI Division name See CsiDivisionsLookup for a list of possible values
result.data[].idealProjects[] array of object On success The list of ideal projects for the material Ideal project object(s)
result.data[].idealProjects[].value string On success The ideal project value Any string
result.data[].images[] array On success The list of images for the material Array of image
result.data[].images[].originalUrl string On success The original image URL A public facing URL
result.data[].images[].referenceUrl string On success The image URL A public facing URL
result.data[].additionalsDocuments[] array of object On success The list of document for the material Document object(s)
result.data[].additionalsDocuments[].originalUrl string On success The original URL of a document related to the material A valid public facing URL
result.data[].additionalsDocuments[].referenceUrl string On success URL of a document related to the material A valid public facing URL
result.data[].contacts[] array of object On success The related contacts Contact object(s)
result.data[].contacts[].externalId string On success A unique identifier of your choosing that serves as a unique key for the contact Any string
result.data[].contacts[].type string On success The contact type MANUFACTURER, AUDITOR or VENDOR
result.data[].contacts[].companyName string On success The contact company name Any string
result.data[].contacts[].name string On success The contact name Any string
result.data[].contacts[].website string On success The contact website A valid public facing URL
result.data[].contacts[].postalAddress string On success The contact postal address Any string
result.data[].contacts[].phone string On success The contact phone Any string
result.data[].contacts[].email string On success The contact email A valid email
result.data[].tags[] array of object On success The list of tags for the material Tag object(s)
result.data[].tags[].name string On success The tag name Any string
result.data[].connectedCertifications[] array of object On success The list of certifications connected to the material Certification object(s)
result.data[].connectedCertifications[].originId string On success The certification unique origin ID Any string
result.data[].connectedDeclarations[] array of object On success The list of declarations connected to the material Declaration object(s)
result.data[].connectedDeclarations[].originId string On success The declaration unique origin ID Any string
result.data[].connectedTestReports[] array of object On success The list of test reports connected to the material Declaration object(s)
result.data[].connectedTestReports[].originId string On success The test report unique origin ID Any string
result.data[].url string On success The material URL A public facing URL
result.data[].originUrl string On success The link to the material in the Origin Data hub A public facing URL
connectRequest object Always The exact request sent that produced this response A MaterialsSearch request
  • Sample Response (Success):

    HTTP Code : 200

        "productId": "refcode001",
        "managementPermission": "COMPANY_READONLY",
        "name":"XYZ Modular",
        "description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut tincidunt orci eget lacus dignissim bibendum.",
        "contentManagedBy": "John Smith",
        "lastUpdated": "2018-11-06T13:20:30Z",        
          "name":"XYZ Modular Furniture",
          "website": "https://www.xyzmodfurniture.tld"
          "originalUrl": "https://www.xyzmodfurniture.tld/public/img/xyzmod/XYZ-asset-image-0-4444.jpeg",
          "companyType": "MANUFACTURER"
        "collection": {
          "name": "My fall collection"
        "libraries": [
            "originId": "c254638f-1fde-4ca8-ae1f-8fb5abbfe8dd",
            "name": "My library"
          "code": "gc_3"
        "csiDivisions": [
            "code": "12 58 29",
            "name": "Beds"
            "originalUrl": "https://www.xyzmodfurniture.tld/public/img/xyzmod/XYZ-asset-image-0-4444.jpeg",
        "additionalsDocuments": [
            "originalUrl": "https://www.xyzmodfurniture.tld/public/doc/xyzmod/xyzmod001.txt",
            "referenceUrl": "https://origin.build/equinox/storage/public/xyzmod001.txt"
            "originalUrl": "https://www.xyzmodfurniture.tld/public/doc/xyzmod/xyzmod002.txt",
            "referenceUrl": "https://origin.build/equinox/storage/public/xyzmod002.txt"
        "contacts": [
            "externalId": "JOHNSMITHVENDOR1",
            "type": "VENDOR",
            "name": "John Smith",
            "companyName": "ACME Inc.",
            "website": "https://www.acme.com/",
            "postalAddress": "2500 Street Avenues",
            "phone": "1-999-123-1234",
            "email": "salesrep@acme.com"
        "tags": [
            "name": "xyz"
        "connectedCertifications": [
            "originId": "6e7bcbfe-4d82-42ad-aa62-6c8d9b142a73"
            "originId": "a78a0a24-5829-4723-bde6-0ccf565a6f3c"
            "originId": "e7917326-1055-460a-8118-1bc0c48121bd"
        "connectedDeclarations": [
            "originId": "4184443c-0c0d-405c-9a5e-125256b62afe"
            "originId": "5d29b08c-2174-499a-a752-463a9c60d9bf"
        "connectedTestReports": [
            "originId": "71072fb6-6616-4658-b440-beeac537a97b"
        "url": "https://www.xyzmodfurniture.tld/xyzmod.html",
  • Sample Response (Error):

    HTTP Code : 400, 500

    "status": {
        "state": "ERROR",
        "code": "CE00001 - Connect request failed validation. Refer to provided messages for details.",
        "messages": [
            "Request has invalid value '0' for field pageNumber. Allowed value(s) : [positive integer not equal zero]",
            "searchCriteria[1] has invalid value 'ORIGIN_IDENT' for field name. Allowed value(s) : [COMPANYID,LIBRARYID,KEYWORD,EXTERNALID,ORIGINID,MODIFIEDSINCE]"
    "connectRequest": {
        "locale": "en",
        "pageNumber": "0",
        "pageSize": "1",
        "searchCriteria": [
                "name": "ORIGIN_IDENT",
                "value": "93bcbf18-51fb-11e8-8716-8c16451835eb"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""