v2 > Lookups > PropertyDetailsLookup

Lookup details for a given property.

  • URL


  • Method:


  • URL Params

Param Type Required Description Domain of value
code string Yes The code of the property you want to obtain the details See result.data[].code in PropertiesLookup
result.data[].standardProperties[].code in StandardsLookup
for a list of possible values
locale string Yes An Origin supported locale 'de', 'es_MX', 'en', 'fr' or 'zh_CN'
  • Sample URL


  • Request :

    The request has no body.

  • Response :
Field Type Presence Description Domain of value
status object Always The execution status A status object
status.state string Always The state of execution 'SUCCESS' or 'ERROR'
status.code string On error The general error code and message See Errors reference
status.messages[] array of string On error List of errors causes A validation message or other causes
result object On success The execution result A result object
result.entityType string On success The type of entity this result is about 'PROPERTY'
result.propertyResource object On success A property values PropertyResource object
result.propertyResource.locale string On success An Origin supported locale 'de', 'es_MX', 'en', 'fr' or 'zh_CN'
result.propertyResource.name string On success The name of this property A string
result.propertyResource.code string On success The unique code of this property A string
result.propertyResource.isCustom string On success Flag to indicate whether the current property is custom A boolean value
result.propertyResource.isMultiple string On success Flag to indicate whether the current property is multiple (Can be displayed or added more than once) A boolean value
result.propertyResource.isTranslatable string On success Flag to indicate whether the current property is translatable. The property value can be translated.
If the property isCustom, the name is always translatable even if the flag isTranslatable is set to false (The property value is not translatable)
The name, value, and unit can be displayed in another language even if the flag isTranslatable is set to false.
A boolean value
result.propertyResource.possibleValues[] array of object On success The list of possible values of this property A PropertyValues object(s)
result.propertyResource.possibleValues[].name string On success The value name A string
result.propertyResource.possibleValues[].code string On success The value unique code A string
result.propertyResource.possibleUnits[] array of object On success The list of possible units of this property A PropertyUnits object(s)
result.propertyResource.possibleUnits[].name string On success The unit name A string
result.propertyResource.possibleUnits[].code string On success The unit unique code A string
connectRequest object Always The exact request sent that produced this response A PropertyDetailsLookup request
  • Sample Response (Success): Post-Consumer Recycled Content units

    HTTP Code : 200

  "status": {
    "state": "SUCCESS"
  "result": {
    "entityType": "PROPERTY",
    "propertyResource": {
      "name": "Post-Consumer Recycled Content",
      "code": "POSTRECYCCT",
      "isCustom": "false",
      "isMultiple": "false", 
      "isTranslatable": "false", 
      "possibleUnits": [
          "name": "%",
          "code": "POURCENT"
  "connectRequest": {
    "locale": "en",
    "code": "postrecycct"
  • Sample Response (Success): Weight units

    HTTP Code : 200

    "propertyResource": {
      "isCustom": "false",
      "isMultiple": "true", 
      "isTranslatable": "false", 
  • Sample Response (Success): Fire Rating

    HTTP Code : 200

  "status": {
    "state": "SUCCESS"
  "result": {
    "entityType": "PROPERTY",
    "propertyResource": {
      "name": "Fire Rating",
      "code": "FIRERATING",
      "isCustom": "false",
      "isMultiple": "false", 
      "isTranslatable": "true", 
  "connectRequest": {
    "locale": "en",
    "code": "firerating"
  • Sample Response (Success): Material Composition values

    HTTP Code : 200

  "status": {
    "state": "SUCCESS"
  "result": {
    "entityType": "PROPERTY",
    "propertyResource": {
      "name": "Material Composition",
      "code": "MATERIAL_TYPE",
      "isCustom": "false",
      "isMultiple": "false", 
      "isTranslatable": "false", 
      "possibleValues": [
          "name": "Bamboo",
          "code": "BAMBOO"
          "name": "Ceramic + Porcelain",
          "code": "CERAMIC_PORCELAIN"
          "name": "Clay",
          "code": "CLAY"
          "name": "Composite",
          "code": "COMPOSITE"
          "name": "Concrete",
          "code": "CONCRETE"
          "name": "Cork",
          "code": "CORK"
          "name": "Fibers - Biological",
          "code": "FIBERS_BIOLOGICAL"
          "name": "Fibers - Synthetic",
          "code": "FIBERS_SYNTHETIC"
          "name": "Glass",
          "code": "GLASS"
          "name": "Gypsum + Plaster",
          "code": "GYPSUM_PLASTER"
          "name": "Metal",
          "code": "METAL"
          "name": "Other",
          "code": "OTHER"
          "name": "Plastic",
          "code": "PLASTIC"
          "name": "Stone",
          "code": "STONE"
          "name": "Synthetic",
          "code": "SYNTHETIC"
          "name": "Wood",
          "code": "WOOD"
  "connectRequest": {
    "locale": "en",
    "code": "material_type"
  • Sample Response (Success): Ideal Projects values

    HTTP Code : 200

    "propertyResource": {
      "name":"Ideal Projects",
      "isCustom": "false",
      "isMultiple": "true", 
      "isTranslatable": "false", 
  • Sample Response (Success): Custom Numeric Attribute

    HTTP Code : 200

  "status": {
    "state": "SUCCESS"
  "result": {
    "entityType": "PROPERTY",
    "propertyResource": {
      "name": "Custom Numeric Attribute",
      "isCustom": "true",
      "isMultiple": "true", 
      "isTranslatable": "false", 
  "connectRequest": {
    "locale": "en",
    "code": "custom_numeric_attribute"
  • Sample Response (Success): Custom Text Attribute

    HTTP Code : 200

  "status": {
    "state": "SUCCESS"
  "result": {
    "entityType": "PROPERTY",
    "propertyResource": {
      "name": "Custom Text Attribute",
      "code": "CUSTOM_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE",
      "isCustom": "true",
      "isMultiple": "true", 
      "isTranslatable": "true", 
  "connectRequest": {
    "locale": "en",
    "code": "custom_text_attribute"
  • Sample Response (Success): Custom Color Attribute

    HTTP Code : 200

  "status": {
    "state": "SUCCESS"
  "result": {
    "entityType": "PROPERTY",
    "propertyResource": {
      "name": "Custom Colour Attribute",
      "isCustom": "true",
      "isMultiple": "true", 
      "isTranslatable": "true",
      "possibleValues": [
          "name": "White",
          "code": "WHITE#ffffff"
          "name": "Black",
          "code": "BLACK#000000"
          "name": "Dark Grey",
          "code": "GREYDARK#666666"
          "name": "Grey",
          "code": "GREY#cccccc"
          "name": "Light Grey",
          "code": "GREYLIGHT#f2f2f2"
          "name": "Dark Brown",
          "code": "BROWNDARK#422518"
          "name": "Brown",
          "code": "BROWN#964b00"
          "name": "Light Brown",
          "code": "BROWNLIGHT#b5651d"
          "name": "Tan",
          "code": "TAN#ab9144"
          "name": "Beige",
          "code": "BEIGE#ffffe0"
          "name": "Dark Blue",
          "code": "BLUEDARK#00008b"
          "name": "Blue",
          "code": "BLUE#0000ff"
          "name": "Azure",
          "code": "AZURE#007fff"
          "name": "Light Blue",
          "code": "BLUELIGHT#add8e6"
          "name": "Dark Red",
          "code": "REDDARK#8b0000"
          "name": "Red",
          "code": "RED#ff0000"
          "name": "Gold",
          "code": "GOLD#ffd700"
          "name": "Yellow",
          "code": "YELLOW#ffff00"
          "name": "Dark Green",
          "code": "GREENDARK#006400"
          "name": "Green",
          "code": "GREEN#00ff00"
          "name": "Light Green",
          "code": "GREENLIGHT#90ee90"
          "name": "Orange",
          "code": "ORANGE#ff7f00"
          "name": "Purple",
          "code": "PURPLE#663399"
          "name": "Violet",
          "code": "VIOLET#7f00ff"
          "name": "Rose",
          "code": "ROSE#ff007f"
          "name": "Pink",
          "code": "PINK#ffc0cb"
          "name": "Magenta",
          "code": "MAGENTA#ff00ff"
          "name": "Cyan",
          "code": "CYAN#00ffff"
  "connectRequest": {
    "locale": "en",
    "code": "custom_color_attribute"
  • Sample Response (Error):

    HTTP Code : 400, 500

    "status": {
        "state": "ERROR",
        "code": "CE00001 - Connect request failed validation. Refer to provided messages for details.",
        "messages": [
            "Request has invalid value 'es' for field locale. Allowed value(s) : [de, es_MX, en, fr, zh_CN]"
    "connectRequest": {
        "locale": "es"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""