ORIGIN Versions

This page list all non-breaking features that comes with new releases of Origin.

You can refer to the Origin release notes for more informations


Feature Detail Impacted services Impacted versions
Add originId on material fields, and the material search fields Those fields are added to ensure the match with the right feature or sku when updating

MaterialsUpdate, MaterialsSearch v2
Add originId on certification fields, and the certification search fields Those fields are added to ensure the match with the right feature when updating

CertificationsUpdate, CertificationsSearch v2
Add originId on declaration fields, and the declaration search fields Those fields are added to ensure the match with the right feature when updating

DeclarationsUpdate, DeclarationsSearch v2
Add originId on test report search fields Those fields are added to ensure the match with the right test result when updating in future
TestReportsSearch v2
Add isCustom to property detail object Flag to indicate whether the current property is custom PropertyDetailsLookup v2
Add isMultiple to property detail object Flag to indicate whether the current property is multiple (Can be displayed or added more than once) PropertyDetailsLookup v2
Add isTranslatable to property detail object Flag to indicate whether the current property is translatable. The property value can be translated.
If the property isCustom, the name is always translatable even if the flag isTranslatable is set to false (The property value is not translatable)
The name, value, and unit can be displayed in another language even if the flag isTranslatable is set to false.
PropertyDetailsLookup v2
New advanced guidelines New advanced guidelines for multilingual features. See Advanced Guidelines MaterialsUpdate, CertificationsUpdate, DeclarationsUpdate v2


Feature Detail Impacted services Impacted versions
Mexican Spanish language support 'es_MX' is now usable as a locale value All services v1, v2


Feature Detail Impacted services Impacted versions
Remove result.data[].mMUrl field This field contained the link to display the material details on the mindful Materials library website. The website and the library don't exist anymore. MaterialsSearch v2


Feature Detail Impacted services Impacted versions
Add missing examples The examples to update a property feature or a custom feature have been added to the service MaterialsUpdate v2


Feature Detail Impacted services Impacted versions
add new field Category Code This field (material[].category.code) is added to ensure the match with the right category MaterialsCreate, MaterialsUpdate v2
Mexican Spanish language support (WARNING this locale is not available and not supported yet in Origin and Matter websites (Expirimental only)) 'es_MX' is now usable as a locale value All services v1, v2


Feature Detail Impacted services Impacted versions
Add new channel 'COMPANY_LIBRARY' for materials Save your materials to or remove them from your company library (only for AEC users). MaterialsCreate, MaterialsUpdate v2


Feature Detail Impacted services Impacted versions
New service : ReportingBodiesLookup Get supported Reporting Bodies with page number, page size, and locale ReportingBodiesLookup v2
New service : ProjectsGet Get Company's Projects with page number, page size, and locale ProjectsGet v2
New service : ProjectPhasesLookup Get available project's phases. ProjectPhasesLookup v2
New service : ProjectStatusesLookup Get available project's statuses. ProjectStatusesLookup v2
New service : ProjectTypesLookup Get available project's types. ProjectTypesLookup v2
New service : ProjectUnitsLookup Get available project's units. ProjectUnitsLookup v2
Add material filter scores The list of material filter scores for the the material. MaterialsSearch v2
Add isCustom to standard object Indicate if the returned standard is custom (not official). CertificationsSearch, DeclarationsSearch, TestReportsSearch v2


Feature Detail Impacted services Impacted versions
New service : MaterialSamplesGet Get a Material Sample MaterialSamplesGet v2
New service : MaterialSamplesCreate Create one or more Material Samples in Origin MaterialSamplesCreate v2
New service : MaterialSamplesUpdate Update one or more Material Samples in Origin MaterialSamplesUpdate v2
New service : MaterialSamplesDelete Delete one or more Material Samples in Origin MaterialSamplesDelete v2
New Service : VOCUnitsLookup Get supported VOC units VOCUnitsLookup v2
Add mindful Materials url The link to the material detail page on mindful Material website. MaterialsSearch v2
Add material sample url The link to the material sample website. MaterialsSearch v2
Add density unit The VOC content and VOC emission density unit. CertificationsSearch, CertificationsCreate, CertificationsUpdate, DeclarationsSearch, DeclarationsCreate, DeclarationsUpdate, TestReportsSearch v2


Feature Detail Impacted services Impacted versions
New service : BrandsGet Get Company's Brands with page number, page size, and locale BrandsGet v2
New service : BrandsCreate Create one or more Company's Brands in Origin BrandsCreate v2
New service : BrandsUpdate Update one or more Company's Brands in Origin BrandsUpdate v2
New service : BrandsDelete Delete one or more Company's Brands in Origin BrandsDelete v2
New service : CollectionsGet Get Company's Collections with page number, page size, and locale CollectionsGet v2
New service : CollectionsCreate Create one or more Company's Collections in Origin CollectionsCreate v2
New service : CollectionsUpdate Update one or more Company's Collections in Origin CollectionsUpdate v2
New service : CollectionsDelete Delete one or more Company's Collections in Origin CollectionsDelete v2


Feature Detail Impacted services Impacted versions
Add contact location informations Contact informations now include city, region and country. CertificationsSearch, DeclarationsSearch, TestReportsSearch, MaterialsSearch v2


Feature Detail Impacted services
New service : TestReportsSearch Like certifications and declaration, test report now have its search service. TestReportsSearch
New fields Certification, Declaration and test report search result now contain "enhanced" informations CertificationsSearch, DeclarationsSearch, TestReportsSearch
German language support 'de' is now usable as a locale value All services

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