v2 > Services > TestReportsSearch

Search one or more test reports in Origin. The search result is organized in pages.

  • URL


  • Method:


  • URL Params


  • Request :

Field Type Required Description Domain of value
locale string Yes An Origin supported locale 'de', 'es_MX', 'en', 'fr' or 'zh_CN'
pageNumber number Yes The page number the search result will start from Positive integer greater than 0
pageSize number Yes The maximum number of result by page Integer between 1 and 100
contextCompanyOriginId string No The originId of a company (i.e. result.data[].company.originId in MaterialsSearch) A UUID
searchCriteria[] array of object Yes The list of search criteria SearchCriteria object array
searchCriteria[].name string Yes A criterion code supported by the search See the reference
searchCriteria[].value variable Yes The value to search See the reference
  • Sample Request :

This sample request could be translated as : "Search the test report with ORIGINID value of db65ac6b-5850-11e8-803c-8c16451835eb starting from page 1 with 10 results by page."

    "locale": "en",
    "pageNumber": "1",
    "pageSize": "10",
    "searchCriteria": [
            "name": "ORIGINID",
            "value": "db65ac6b-5850-11e8-803c-8c16451835eb"
  • Response :
Field Type Presence Description Domain of value
status object Always The execution status A status object
status.state string Always The state of execution 'SUCCESS' or 'ERROR'
status.code string On error The general error code and message See Errors reference
status.messages[] array of string On error List of error causes A validation message or other causes
result object On success The execution result A result object
result.entityType string On success The type of entity this result is about 'TESTREPORT'
result.searchInfo object On success Informations about the search result pages A searchInfo object
result.searchInfo.numberOfElements object On success The total number of elements found A positive integer
result.searchInfo.numberOfPages object On success The total number of pages NumberOfElements / pageSize
result.data[] array of testReport On success The actual search result : a list of test reports Array of testReport object
result.data[].locale string On success An Origin supported locale 'de', 'es_MX', 'en', 'fr' or 'zh_CN'
result.data[].originId string On success The test report unique origin ID A UUID
result.data[].externalId string On success The test report unique ID in your system Any string
result.data[].testReportNumber string On success The number of the test report Any string
result.data[].url string On success The URL to the test report document A valid public facing URL
result.data[].additionalsDocuments[] array of object On success The additional documents Document object(s)
result.data[].additionalsDocuments[].originalUrl string On success The original URL of a document related to the test report A valid public facing URL
result.data[].additionalsDocuments[].referenceUrl string On success URL of a document related to the test report A valid public facing URL
result.data[].reportingBody object On success The reporting body A reporting body object
result.data[].reportingBody.name string On success The reporting body name is not self reported An existing reporting body name in Origin
result.data[].reportingBody.selfReported string On success The self reported flag A boolean value
result.data[].standard object On success The certified standard A standard object
result.data[].standard.code string On success The standard code An existing standard code in Origin
result.data[].standard.name string On success The standard name Any string
result.data[].standard.isCustom string On success Flag to indicate whether the current standard is custom (not official) A boolean value
result.data[].issueDate date On success The date when the test report is issued A ISO-8601 date
result.data[].expiryDate date On success The date when the test report will be expired A ISO-8601 date
result.data[].brands[] array of brand On success The related brands Brand object(s)
result.data[].brands[].name string On success The brand name Any string
result.data[].brands[].website string On success The brand website A valid public facing URL
result.data[].contacts[] array of contact On success The related contacts Contact object(s)
result.data[].contacts[].externalId string On success A unique identifier of your choosing that serves as a unique key for the contact Any string
result.data[].contacts[].type string On success The contact type MANUFACTURER, AUDITOR or VENDOR
result.data[].contacts[].companyName string On success The contact company name Any string
result.data[].contacts[].phone string On success The contact phone Any string
result.data[].contacts[].email string On success The contact email A valid email
result.data[].contacts[].name string On success The contact name Any string
result.data[].contacts[].website string On success The contact website A valid public facing URL
result.data[].contacts[].postalAddress string On success The contact postal address Any string
result.data[].contacts[].location.city string On success The contact location city Any string
result.data[].contacts[].location.region string On success The contact location region Any string
result.data[].contacts[].location.country string On success The contact location country Any string
result.data[].regulatoryStandardCompliances[] array of object On success The regulatory standard compliances RegulatoryStandardCompliance Object(s)
result.data[].regulatoryStandardCompliances[].code string On success The standard code See standardProperties in StandardsLookup for a list of possible values
result.data[].testResults[] array of object On success The list of test results TestResult object(s)
result.data[].testResults[].originId string On success The test result unique origin ID A UUID
result.data[].testResults[].name string On success The test result name Any string
result.data[].testResults[].result string On success The result of this test Any string
result.data[].testResults[].requirement string On success The requirement to pass the test Any string
result.data[].testResults[].passed string On success The flag indicating if the test is passed or not A boolean value
result.data[].voc object On success The VOC section VOC object
result.data[].voc.content object On success The VOC Content section VOC Content object
result.data[].voc.content.densityLimitGL string On success The density limit A decimal value
result.data[].voc.content.densityUnit object On success The density unit DensityUnit object
result.data[].voc.content.densityUnit.code string On success The density unit code data[].code in VOCUnitsLookup
result.data[].voc.content.densityUnit.name string On success The density unit name data[].name in VOCUnitsLookup
result.data[].voc.content.containsAddedMCPCE string On success Flag for intentionally added Methylene Chloride and/or Perchloroethylene A boolean value
result.data[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] array of object On success The list of compliant standards VOC Content compliance object(s)
result.data[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard string On success A compliant standard Standard object
result.data[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard.code string On success The standard code See VOC Content standard compliances for a list of possible values
result.data[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].productTypeCode string On success The product type code See VOC Content standard compliances for a list of possible values
result.data[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].productTypeName string On success The product type name Any string
result.data[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].productTypeDensityLimitGL string On success The product type density limit (g/L) A decimal value
result.data[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCustoms[] array of object On success The list of custom standards Custom standard object(s)
result.data[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCustoms[].standard object On success A custom standard Standard object
result.data[].voc.content.regulatoryStandardCustoms[].standard.code string On success The custom standard code Any string
result.data[].voc.content.testMethods[] array of object On success The list of standard test methods Test method object
result.data[].voc.content.testMethods[].standard object On success A test method standard Standard object
result.data[].voc.content.testMethods[].standard.code string On success The standard code See VOC Content test methods for a list of possible values
result.data[].voc.content.exemptCompounds[] array of object On success The list of exempt compounds Exempt compound object(s)
result.data[].voc.content.exemptCompounds[].CAS string On success CAS registry number http://www.commonchemistry.org/
result.data[].voc.content.exemptCompounds[].name string On success Chemical name http://www.commonchemistry.org/
result.data[].voc.content.exemptCompounds[].percentByWeight string On success Composition percent by weight A decimal value
result.data[].voc.emission object On success The VOC Emission section VOC Emission object
result.data[].voc.emission.densityMin string On success Minimum density A decimal value
result.data[].voc.emission.densityMax string On success Maximum density A decimal value
result.data[].voc.emission.densityUnit object On success The density unit DensityUnit object
result.data[].voc.emission.densityUnit.code string On success The density unit code data[].code in VOCUnitsLookup
result.data[].voc.emission.densityUnit.name string On success The density unit name data[].name in VOCUnitsLookup
result.data[].voc.emission.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] array of object On success The list of compliant standard VOC Emission compliance object(s)
result.data[].voc.emission.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard object On success A compliant standard Standard object
result.data[].voc.emission.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard.code string On success The standard code See VOC Emission standard compliances for a list of possible values
result.data[].enhancedTestReport object On success The enhanced data of the current test report. By default, the service returns enhanced data added by your company. You can use the field contextCompanyOriginId to get the enhanced data added by another company. A TestReport object
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.originId string On success The test report unique origin ID A UUID
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.externalId string On success The test report unique ID in your system Any string
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.testReportNumber string On success The number of the test report Any string
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.url string On success The URL to the test report document A valid public facing URL
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.additionalsDocuments[] array of object On success The additional documents Document object(s)
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.additionalsDocuments[].originalUrl string On success The original URL of a document related to the test report A valid public facing URL
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.additionalsDocuments[].referenceUrl string On success URL of a document related to the test report A valid public facing URL
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.issueDate date On success The date when the test report is issued A ISO-8601 date
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.expiryDate date On success The date when the test report will be expired A ISO-8601 date
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] array of object On success The regulatory standard compliances RegulatoryStandardCompliance Object(s)
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].code string On success The standard code See standardProperties in StandardsLookup for a list of possible values
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.testResults[] array of object On success The list of test results TestResult object(s)
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.testResults[].originId string On success The test result unique origin ID A UUID
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.testResults[].name string On success The test result name Any string
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.testResults[].result string On success The result of this test Any string
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.testResults[].requirement string On success The requirement to pass the test Any string
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.testResults[].passed string On success The flag indicating if the test is passed or not A boolean value
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc object On success The VOC section VOC object
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content object On success The VOC Content section VOC Content object
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.densityLimitGL string On success The density limit A decimal value
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.densityUnit object On success The density unit DensityUnit object
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.densityUnit.code string On success The density unit code data[].code in VOCUnitsLookup
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.densityUnit.name string On success The density unit name data[].name in VOCUnitsLookup
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.containsAddedMCPCE string On success Flag for intentionally added Methylene Chloride and/or Perchloroethylene A boolean value
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] array of object On success The list of compliant standards VOC Content compliance object(s)
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard string On success A compliant standard Standard object
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard.code string On success The standard code See VOC Content standard compliances for a list of possible values
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].productTypeCode string On success The product type code See VOC Content standard compliances for a list of possible values
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].productTypeName string On success The product type name Any string
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].productTypeDensityLimitGL string On success The product type density limit (g/L) A decimal value
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.regulatoryStandardCustoms[] array of object On success The list of custom standards Custom standard object(s)
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.regulatoryStandardCustoms[].standard object On success A custom standard Standard object
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.regulatoryStandardCustoms[].standard.code string On success The custom standard code Any string
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.testMethods[] array of object On success The list of standard test methods Test method object
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.testMethods[].standard object On success A test method standard Standard object
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.testMethods[].standard.code string On success The standard code See VOC Content test methods for a list of possible values
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.exemptCompounds[] array of object On success The list of exempt compounds Exempt compound object(s)
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.exemptCompounds[].CAS string On success CAS registry number http://www.commonchemistry.org/
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.exemptCompounds[].name string On success Chemical name http://www.commonchemistry.org/
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.content.exemptCompounds[].percentByWeight string On success Composition percent by weight A decimal value
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.emission object On success The VOC Emission section VOC Emission object
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.emission.densityMin string On success Minimum density A decimal value
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.emission.densityMax string On success Maximum density A decimal value
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.emission.densityUnit object On success The density unit DensityUnit object
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.emission.densityUnit.code string On success The density unit code data[].code in VOCUnitsLookup
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.emission.densityUnit.name string On success The density unit name data[].name in VOCUnitsLookup
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.emission.regulatoryStandardCompliances[] array of object On success The list of compliant standard VOC Emission compliance object(s)
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.emission.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard object On success A compliant standard Standard object
result.data[].enhancedTestReport.voc.emission.regulatoryStandardCompliances[].standard.code string On success The standard code See VOC Emission standard compliances for a list of possible values
connectRequest object Always The exact request sent that produced this response A CertificationsSearch request
  • Sample Response (Success):

    HTTP Code : 200

          "selfReported": "false",
          "name":"BkA CC 01"
            "name":"ACME Inc.",
            "companyName":"ACME Inc.",
            "name":"John Smith",
            "postalAddress":"2500 Street Avenue P.O. Box 999 Manchester, PA 1234",
            "location": {
              "city": "Aix-en-Provence",
              "region": "Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur",
              "country": "France"
            "code":"ISO 9001"
        "testResults": [
            "name": "my test 01",
            "result": "25",
            "requirement": "x<=25",
            "passed": "true"
            "name": "my test 02",
            "result": "42",
            "requirement": "greater than 42",
            "passed": "false"
            "densityUnit": {
              "code": "EM_GL",
              "name": "g/L"
                  "code":"CARB SCM (2007)"
                "productTypeCode":"Specialty Coatings - Bituminous Roof Coatings",
                "productTypeName":"Specialty Coatings - Bituminous Roof Coatings",
                  "code":"A CUSTOM CODE"
                  "code":"ASTM Methods D2369"
            "densityUnit": {
              "code": "EM_UGM3",
              "name": "ug/m3"
                  "code":"Blue Angel Elastic Floorings"
        "enhancedTestReport": {
          "originId": "989a0684-824e-4c7f-b0e3-eb6d25badcdb",
          "testReportNumber": "ENH-TR-1234",
          "url": "https://public.facing.url/enhanced_testreport.pdf",
          "additionalsDocuments": [
          "issueDate": "2029-12-31T19:00:00-05:00",
          "expiryDate": "2030-12-25T00:00:00Z",
          "regulatoryStandardCompliances": [
              "code": "Blue Angel Flooring Underlays (cushion)"
          "testResults": [
              "originId": "35ca9b0d-abce-4da6-a697-ce97e1cbc48d",
              "name": "my enhanced test 01",
              "result": "2",
              "requirement": "x<=2",
              "passed": "true"
          "voc": {
            "content": {
              "densityLimitGL": "120",
              "densityUnit": {
                "code": "EM_UGM3",
                "name": "ug/m3"
              "containsAddedMCPCE": "true",
              "regulatoryStandardCompliances": [
                  "standard": {
                    "code": "Canadian VOC Concentration Limits for Architectural Coatings"
                  "productTypeName": "Antenna coating",
                  "productTypeCode": "Antenna coating",
                  "productTypeDensityLimitGL": "530"
              "testMethods": [
                  "standard": {
                    "code": "Calculated from formulation"
              "exemptCompounds": [
                  "CAS": "10022-68-1",
                  "name": "Cadmium Nitrate, 4-Hydrate",
                  "percentByWeight": "0.0001"
            "emission": {
              "densityMin": "120.0002",
              "densityMax": "120.00033",
              "densityUnit": {
                "code": "EM_MGM2H",
                "name": "mg/m2*h"
              "regulatoryStandardCompliances": [
                  "standard": {
                    "code": "CDPH Standard Method 2010 v1.1"
  • Sample Response (Error):

    HTTP Code : 400, 500

    "status": {
        "state": "ERROR",
        "code": "CE00001 - Connect request failed validation. Refer to provided messages for details.",
        "messages": [
            "Request has invalid value '0' for field pageNumber. Allowed value(s) : [positive integer not equal zero]",
            "searchCriteria[1] has invalid value 'ORIGIN_IDENT' for field name. Allowed value(s) : [ORIGINID,EXTERNALID]"
    "connectRequest": {
        "locale": "en",
        "pageNumber": "0",
        "pageSize": "1",
        "searchCriteria": [
                "name": "ORIGIN_IDENT",
                "value": "db65ac6b-5850-11e8-803c-8c16451835eb"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""