v2 > References > MaterialsSearch criteria

Name (Must be uppercase) Value Description Value example
ORIGINID UUID Return a single material by originId 13949a9b-ee17-4760-93e9-7749ff2faa79
EXTERNALID string Return a single material by externalId XYZ-MAT-1234
COMPANYID UUID Return all materials of a company 88cdb6fb-ca81-49ff-aca7-f98a4e223e28
LIBRARYID UUID Return all materials of a library 101dd127-90d0-4123-9981-37998ceaa317
KEYWORD string Return materials matching a keyword Concrete, Glass
MODIFIEDSINCE ISO-8601 date Return all materials modified since the given date 2018-09-15
CHANNEL string or UUID Return all materials being published or posted to this channel 'ORIGIN', 'COMPANY_LIBRARY' or 843b216e-0396-11e9-b112-8c1645183d2d
SCOPE string Filter search result for the given scope MY_MATERIALS, MY_COMPANY_MATERIALS
PERMISSION string Filter search result for the given permission WRITABLE
DATASOURCE string Return all materials for a given data source MANUFACTURER, REPORTING_BODY

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